Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Death of Postmodernism?

Fascinating article that has a lot of truth about our culture, but I disagree with its premise. Here is my terse response:

I don't think postmodernism is in any way dead. I think there is truth in the idea that our culture is constantly engulfed in activity that ultimately creates banality and conformist consumers, but this doesn't signal a new philosophical movement. In fact, I think this is rather the result of postmodernism, not a rejection of it. If we live in a world where the pervading philosophy is one of individual perception and subjective understanding superseding any cohesive reality, then it makes sense that it would lead to a society of bland artistic consumption, narcissism, and political apathy. A bright spot in postmodernism (one of few that I see) is that since it has teamed up with technology, we now more than ever are able to connect and feel empathy with human beings on the other side of the world. That inclusive attitude has the potential to bring us together and eliminate mass violence and conflict more than any other philosophy/technological period in history.

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