Monday, December 14, 2009

Fruitless Optimism

Those who study history are bound to possess a rotten judgment of human beings. Those who study the present will have that same judgment, but they will carry an additional feeling of fruitless optimism.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

If You Won't Get Rid Of Our Economic Enslavement, At Least Reform It

As the country is divided on and debating the health care bill in congress, little attention has been given to the real problem of our country. “It is not about whether the government is too little, or too big, it is about if government works,” Barack Obama cleverly put it during his inauguration speech in January. I completely agree, but unfortunately our government cannot work unless we rid money from politics. It is possible, but would take a huge grassroots effort. Nonetheless, money in politics is not the prime focus here. In my wonderful world where money is eliminated from politics, and the laws are not given to favor big corporations, banks and insurance executives we could not only have a functional public health care system for all, but also a banking system for all that would simplify our economy and create more time for social and as well as scientific progress.

This may come off as being incredibly Marxist, but the whole idea of banks, loans and interest is absurd. Banks make a profit off of collecting interest. This contributes absolutely no wealth in real terms to the economy: Nothing is produced, nothing is bought or sold. It does not take very much research to understand how the banking system has caused, or exacerbated recessions and depressions. In fact, our entire financial system was at the heart of last year’s economic meltdown. Maybe it is the result of greedy individuals trying to manipulate the system, but if we are all inherently greedy in some ways how could this crucial aspect of our economy ever be a function of social good?

Maybe capitalism is the root of the problem. I am personally not prepared to go that deep. I suppose I take a strict Keynesian approach to this issue and will suggest that there are certain functions of our economy and society that should be run by the public. This is not to propose that the federal government run our banking system. Instead, I believe local public institutions can effectively provide the essential services that banks do. In this way, people who need loans and have decent credit can get loans from these public institutions without any interest and a reasonable payment plan. This would allow people to spend their money on other things, which would in turn stimulate the entire economy.

One of the biggest reasons the United States got into so much trouble last year were subprime loans. These were loans given to people who had horrible credit, but given to them with enormous interest rates that they would never be able to pay off. A public banking system would prevent loans to people who have such bad credit, but would allow room to improve easily. Therefore, we would be smart with the treasury stored for these loans, and also set up some support for those with bad credit. Since it would also boost the entire economy, those with bad credit would have more opportunity to build up their funds and improve their credit situation.

Furthermore, a public system would help create a less volatile economy. It would lessen the effects of big recessions. For instance, India’s Congress party, which had previously denounced their public banking system, praised the institution and said that nationalization was one of its greatest achievements. Congress president Sonia Gandhi argued “Public sector financial institutions have given our economy the stability and resilience we are now witnessing in the face of the economic slowdown.” ( Banking, and the entire financial institution for that matter has become an increasingly complex sector that as a private profit seeker does not serve any practical use for society. All it does is further our enslavement to the current economic system.

Where would the money for this program come from? Well our federal government recently gave the private banks over $750 billion dollars because they were about to collapse (from their own incompetency I might add!). Thus, we can assume that with a public system, there would be an elimination of a middle man and there would be little need to increase taxes.

Our economic system is large and complicated, but most of it is needlessly intricate. The financial institution is one of those structures in our society that only benefits the few who have been in charge for a long time. I write this to merely provoke some thought. Many people have protested the bank bailouts. In fact, most people on the left and right opposed the bailouts in some way. Yet, they continued, under the guise of “too big to fail” Indeed, they might be too big to fail. So why should we continue placating a system that in the end screws over the mass population? I don’t think we should, I think we need to drastically reformat that system. Unfortunately, if we do not get money out of politics we won’t be able to successfully reform anything.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Why We Are Not Getting Real Health Reform: Financial and Political Capital

It’s rather fitting that I am writing a piece about health care while I am fighting a cold and unable to sleep at 2 in the morning. So, I apologize in advance if any of this is incoherent. The following is a product of my inability to sleep as well as the failure to breathe out of my nose. Fortunately for me, I am in the middle class and can afford to go to a public college that gives me decent health insurance for very limited costs. Regrettably, most of the country is not this well off.

According to a recent study Harvard University linked 45,000 deaths in the United States to inadequate health insurance ( That’s roughly three September 11ths a year. I’m not too sure how anyone can read this study and not be outraged. It is an apparent indication that we need serious and pragmatic health care reform in this country, and very quickly. Instead of honest debate and legislation we have gotten the same political jabbering and lobbying that is at the core of all of our Country’s problems.

Now, what makes this debate even more frustrating is the combination of public and media controversy. We have seen people on the right going to town hall meetings, marching in D.C., opposed to any reforms put out by the Democratic Party. At the heart of all of this I do not see angry American’s fearful about “socialism,” rather, I see a bitter Republican Party, and Conservative movement trying very hard to get political vengeance. Let’s think back to the eight years prior to Barack Obama’s presidency. In the white house was George W. Bush, who was perhaps one of the most controversial and impugned presidents in United States history. He was slammed by the left at every opportunity, conceivably, most of all regarding the war in Iraq. From the start of that war, the left had used similar tactics that the right is currently using against the Democrats about health care (with smaller numbers indeed, but with the same, if not more media attention). In my opinion, Afghanistan is not “Obama’s war” right now. Although later Afghanistan might be his defining foreign affairs moment, it is health care that has taken national stage and will define the beginning of Obama’s presidency.

With that in mind, look at what the right is doing. Some on the far right have berated the President as a Nazi. Joe Wilson, a member of congress, has interrupted a major political speech on reform. Last but not least, right-wing media personalities such as Glenn Beck have gone as far to call Obama a racist. All of this leaves me rather skeptical when I see genuine conservatives out on the streets, many of which are clearly uneducated about politics, and history. For instance take a look at this YouTube video documenting the 9/12 rally in Washington:

People referring to the president as “socialist,” “communist and “fascist” interchangeably reveals my concern. Even in the 1960s Obama’s proposed reforms would not have been chastised by the right with such false proclamations such as “socialist.” What these protests led me to think was how closely they resemble some of the protesting against Bush regarding Iraq. I was certainly part of those protests, and truly believe in such a right, but I find the root of the current protests to be very disingenuous.

I believe that those who lead the right are bitter about the Bush years. Bush was so widely scrutinized that it truly hurt the Republican Party. This is what I mean by political capital. Therefore, in an attempt to counter attack, the right has chosen to do the same that the left did to Bush, this time it’s about health care reform. The problem here is that Bush’s invasion of Iraq was based on clear lies, sent American troops into harm’s way, and killed countless innocent civilians. Obama’s health care reform, although far from perfect, is an attempt to save lives.

The Republican politicians, and leaders (not necessarily the people doing the marching, I don’t want to completely chastise them), are bitter about losing the election and about the left tearing apart its previous leader. In the case, the media has taken on a huge role in this. Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’reilly, our good buddies, have thrown out disastrous lies about health reform. These include claims of death panels, socialism, destruction of Medicare, ect. In essence they have built a right wing army that hold up posters of Obama as Hitler, and call Obama a racist. This leaves the legitimate educated right who have real helpful concerns in the dust.

So why is this happening? Well, like I said before the right is bitter, but they also need to gain political capital. Unfortunately, the leaders of the right are TV and radio pundits looking for ratings, and people like Joe Wilson trying to get reelected. The right needs to be legitimate again, and this is how they are doing it: through hysteria, lies, and anti-intellectualism.

I do not believe that those on the ground actually protesting Obama are disingenuous. I believe they are misled patriots. They are misled by people seeking political capital in order to get reelected at a time when conservative ideology is not very popular in the United States. The Democrats are far from innocent in this debate. They had an opportunity to give us real reform proposals, but due to their own concern for political capital, and insurance lobbyists that fund campaigns they gave us limited reform proposals. I guess they did not count on the right garnering so much momentum, because now it seems like we are getting practically no reform. Personally, I wish to see a single-payer system, but the Democrats blew that one, so my hopes were for some step toward caring for every single American.

What breaks my heart about all of this is that intrinsically, health care should be about helping people. Instead, the debate has been run by corporate lobbyists, conservative celebrities seeking ratings, political capital, and left wing ineptitude. We are supposed to be the freest, most democratic, and wealthiest nation on earth, yet we allow nearly 45,000 to die each year because our politicians and corporatocracy have too much financial and political investment in our current system. Yet, there is hope. The left can fight back. The true left. Those who were always skeptical about Obama, those who pay attention, and those who desperately want real health care in this country must fight back

Thursday, May 14, 2009

If You Want to Stop Terrorism, You Have to Stop Being Terrorists

I was thinking on writing up a piece on Afghanistan and why I oppose the current militaristic approach in dealing with this country. Afghanistan has essentially become “Obama’s War,” and the same mentality of dealing with terrorism has changed very little from the policies of the Bush administration. This lack of change comes as no surprise because as much as the two major parties claim to be distinct representations of the American people, they are both nothing more than accessories to corporate competitiveness. The standard belief on the left and even some on the right, for why we invaded Iraq is that we wanted to control their oil. In a way that is true, but oil was even more of an incentive for invading and occupying Afghanistan.

America has wanted a new government in Afghanistan since at least 1998, three years before the attacks on 11 September 2001. The official report from a meeting of the U.S. Government's foreign policy committee on 12 February 1998, available on the U.S. Government website, confirms that the need for a West-friendly government was recognized long before the War on Terror that followed September 11th:
"The U.S. Government's position is that we support multiple [oil] pipelines...
The Unocal pipeline is among those pipelines that would receive our
support under that policy. I would caution that while we do support the
project, the U.S. Government has not at this point recognized any
governing regime of the transit country, one of the transit countries,
Afghanistan, through which that pipeline would be routed. But we do
support the project.” [ U.S. House of Reps., "U.S. Interests in the Central Asian Republics", 12 Feb 1998 ]

I don’t want to go too much into the evidence regarding the true motives for invading Afghanistan because there is a ton out there (if you want to look this up, look at UNOCAL and the issues surrounding the Afghan government’s refusal to give them the pipeline contract), but the point here is that the United States’ purpose in Afghanistan has never been innocent. The control of that country is about a politically, military, and corporate strategy, mostly involving the control of oil. That is not to mean so American people could have more access and less expensive oil, it is so oil companies can control the price and distribution of oil around the world.

Perhaps President Obama is sincere about his fight against terrorism (though I doubt this). But even if he is sincere this method of fighting terror has clearly failed and needs to be reevaluated. The West has such little understanding about Middle Eastern culture and mentality. Certainly, there are many who wish to do Americans harm today, but in their eyes they are very much justified. Terrorist activity in the region has increased on an incredible scale since we have invaded the region eight years ago. What happens when a country who has been the victim of a terrorist attack (a terrorist attack, not by another country, but by a network of rogue religious fanatics) fights back by invading and occupying a country that may contain bases for these groups, kills hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians, and destroys the country’s infrastructure? What happens is that more people, who were not part of the minority of religious fanatics, become very angry at the United States, not because they “hate liberty” but because this country has killed members of their family, or destroyed their town.

There is no society that desires to be taken over by a military power. Even if Afghanistan is one day stabilized was it worth the hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of people who had to die in order for this western stabilization? In history we often struggle with the concept of “progress.” What is progress? Would American friendly governments in the Middle East be considered progress? Would the sacrifice of all these people be worth it? I personally believe that if any group of people must make a sacrifice in the name of progress, that group of people should be the one to decide if they will indeed make the sacrifice, and furthermore, they should be the ones to decide what “progress” means. I highly doubt the people of Afghanistan have the same definition of progress that the American government has.

Those who oppose my view may ask: well then what do we do? Just leave Afghanistan and let the country be run by terrorists? Well not exactly. I’m very much practical in that I understand pulling every troop out of the Middle East immediately is inconceivable. However, a gradual removal of armed forces, and a replacement of food, medicine, and other infrastructure help would be the best solution. As the famous historian Howard Zinn said, “If you want to stop terrorism, you have to stop being terrorists.” …and that’s what war is, it is terrorism. To the Afghan people, we are the terrorists, and all our presence will do is to continue the endless cycle of terrorism and counter-terrorism that has plagued the modern world.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Arlen Spector and the Two-Party System

The big political news of the last few days is the switch of Senator Arlen Spector from a Republican to a Democrat. The reason why this is so important is that it gives the democrats 60 votes in the Senate (baring the ongoing recount in the Minnesota senate race). This of course gives the Democrats the power to break a filibuster, and more easily get their legislation passed.

Indeed, this continues to signify the shift in American politics and perhaps the public to the left. However, our country has created such a dichotomy of Democrat and Republican or Liberal and Conservative that the shift just goes back and forth. After 8 years of clear policy failures we are seeing the cycle shift back to the left. This cycle seems to me to be a function of an educated majority. Let's face it, we don't really have the best education system in the world. In fact, it's quite inefficient. While our children are not being effectively taught math or science, we have also neglected to provide them with a real and honest education in history, civics, and economics.

Our lack of history allows for the public to easily get swept up with war rhetoric, our lack of economic education allows for an uneducated mass of people scratching their heads at a very complex but important economic crisis. Finally, the lack of civics has allowed us to continue to elect incompetent and corrupted leaders from the same two ruling parties.

Now this may be a generalization, but there is something fundamentally wrong with a two party system, especially when the public is so uneducated and apathetic toward the process. One of the biggest issues is local and congressional elections. In 2006 80,975,537 people cast their votes for the mid-term elections. The number of people eligible to vote was nearly 220,000,000 people (and the voter turnout that year was good relative to recent congressional elections before it). This means that well over half of the eligible population does not vote for our lawmakers, and an even smaller amount actually voted for the person who is suppose to represent a large portion of the public.

So here we are with a Republican switching to become a Democrat and most of the country doesn’t care. Why? Is it because they are lazy and apathetic? Many certainly are, but the majority of the people are just not educated very well. Many see two parties that do not realistically relate to most working class people. Democrats and Republicans are fundamentally the same, with small deviations on certain issues. Neither party represents or even tries to carry out the will of the people. Yet, these people remain in our government mostly through an ever-exhausting tradition.

The election of Obama put a lot of faith in the Democratic Party. In the end, as we are already seeing, the message of hope and change was a fabulous marketing strategy by the Democratics. To give credit to Obama, he has not deviated from his campaign. The issues that were discussed (although very rarely during the campaign), have been addressed consistently. The problem here is that elections are never about the issues because both candidates seldom have the same ideas as the majority of the public. The problem is that the majority of Americans want to fully leave Iraq (as oppose to keeping “non-combat” troops), they want the government to look into a single-payer health care system, most want the Bush administration to be brought to justice for torture. They want better education, more regulation and to address climate change. And the list goes on. The problem here is that many think that the president is the one to look to in order to carry out these initiatives. People need to have a better understanding of the democratic-republican process, and to make informative votes for congress. I don’t mean to suggest that voting is the main answer, in fact I think voting is somewhat useless in a two party system, but the two party system is not permanently embedded into the legal structure of the country. We do have the ability to create more parties; it will just take a deeper grassroots effort. We saw a huge grassroots effort with Obama, but once most of those people realize how Democrats and Republicans are all part of a very similar agenda, they will hopefully put their efforts towards real change in American politics.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Freedom and Love

I was going through some of my writings and I found a poem I wrote a few months ago:

“Freedom” is a term such as “love”; it carries many truths, but also many delusions. Both are used with such ambiguity, yet they also carry a variety of concrete meanings for many different people. Both terms are merely a construction, which have elusive definitions depending of course on who is defining it.

‘Freedom’ and ‘love’ are terms that can be easily compared
Both are used with such ambiguity,
Yet carry concrete ideas for a variety of people
Both terms are human constructions
That serve a multitude of functions
The idea of freedom keeps the people in check
As the idea of love keeps human survival in tact

Whatever one considers about these words
Is a consequence of past experiences
And a product of their social systems
Nevertheless, the true beauty in freedom and love
Is that regardless of one’s experiences
We all possess one invaluable freedom:

To revoke and reform external notions of ‘love’, as well as ‘freedom’ to fit our own preferences.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Lessons from the Great Depression

I decided my first post should be this essay I wrote about the Great Depression and our current economic crisis. It's very broad, but it touches upon a lot of ideas that I will most likely write about more thoroughly at a later date. Enjoy:

In understanding the current economic downturn, many pundits, reporters, and average citizens have looked at the Great Depression to calculate the severity of today’s crisis. Many have claimed that the world, particularly the United States, had lost its historical perspective and no one was able to predict the unfortunate events of 2008 that left the world economy in a tangled mess. In actuality there were many, such as New York University’s economics professor Nouriel Roubini, who did predict the housing bust, the trouble of sub-prime loans, the decline of consumer confidence, and the ensuing recession. Nevertheless, these predictions went unnoticed due to the large sum of quick cash being made around the world. Therefore, in trying to develop a recovery plan for a situation that increasingly looks more and more like the Great Depression, there needs to be a careful understanding of the Great Depression, its causes, and finally its recovery.

The most important thing to note about the Great Depression, as well as this crisis, is that there was no one single cause. Both affairs occurred due to many factors occurring under adverse circumstances. Even then, some may try to pinpoint “main” causes, but historians continue to dispute what factors should be emphasized when evaluating the causes of the Great Depression. Likewise, it is impossible to identify a prime cause for the current economic situation, especially since it is still unfolding. In mainstream thought, the Great Depression began after the stock market crash of 1929. This is dangerously short-sighted. If this were the only cause, we would be in an even more vulnerable position now because the stock market is considerably larger than it was in 1929. Thankfully, that was not the only cause of the Great Depression. Some historians may suggest that the origins of the Great Depression began during the industrialization of the late nineteenth century, but for our purposes we will begin immediately after World War I.

Just like our current economic crisis, there were those who predicted the Great Depression, but were ultimately ignored. John Maynard Keynes was one of those disregarded prophets. In The Economic Consequences of Peace, Keynes warns that the harsh penalties given to Germany after World War I would negatively affect the rest of the world economy. He writes, “If the European Civil War is to end with France and Italy abusing their momentary victorious power to destroy Germany… they invite their own destruction, being so deeply and inextricably intertwined with their victims by hidden psychic and economic bonds.” Unfortunately, the leaders of Europe did not listen to Keynes and the deep economic ties were exposed due to the harsh demands on Germany and Austria-Hungary. Similarly, all of the warning signs for our sharp economic downturn were ignored, despite several economists’ predictions. Furthermore, what Keynes recognized was that the world economy was too integrated for nationalism to have any sort of positive effect on the financial system. For the current crisis, there was no major war that exposed economic globalization; the profound global economic ties were known, but simply overlooked.

The economic ties of the 1920s, just like today, were essentially based on loans. After World War I the United States was considered the world creditor. They had loaned England so much money during the war, and England loaned so much money to France, Italy, Russia, and other allies. However, since all of these economies, except the United States, were devastated by the war, they looked for German reparations to help pay back Britain and the United States. To further confuse this economic mess, the German economy was in utter chaos, so the United States loaned Germany money to ease their incredible inflation and to help pay back the allied powers. This intergovernmental debt left the world economy in an unstable house of cards, waiting for one card to fall. The cards certainly began to fall rather quickly, and nearly simultaneously. From what is known about the current crisis, there is a similar intergovernmental credit disaster. In fact, it is even more complex than the one that led to the Great Depression. The private financial institutions of today devised a complex scheme of packaging loans and trading bad assets. It is commonly thought that this begins with the so called sub-prime loans that were packaged and traded by financial insurance companies. Since these companies are so global this mess has not only affected the United States; it has caused financial disaster to most of the world. In terms of overall national debt, in our current crisis, the players are reversed. It is the United States that is in enormous debt, and now it is Germany and China that are giving credit. In American thought, it is usually considered that the Great Depression was a product of the United States. This is clearly a fallacy, and one of the most important things we can learn from the Great Depression is that it was a global crisis, caused by global affairs.

The interconnectedness of the global economy was a main reason why the depression was so vast in scope, but historians have calculated many other causes for the downturn, and these causes are very comparable to today’s crisis. Four main factors that are considered are: consumption, investments, net exports, and government policies. The main argument for the “underconsumption” cause is that during the 1920s, labor production grew rapidly as a result of technological advances, but this increase was not reflected in rising real wages. Therefore, as productivity increased and more products were put out into the market, but people no longer had the means to purchase the products, there became a waste of capital and production. This argument for a Great Depression cause is very much comparable to today’s crisis. A study by the New York Times showed that real wages were at their lowest share of G.D.P. on record in 2006, while corporate profits were at their highest share since the 1960s. This disparity between real wages and corporate profits is significant, but certainly not the only cause of either economic downturn.

Like the current economic situation, the Great Depression had some roots in the housing market. Investment began to decline as early as 1926 following a housing boom. As Attack and Passall point out, this decrease in the housing market was in part caused by the slowing of immigration and the fewer number of families. Although the current crisis has much to do with the housing market, where it differs from the Great Depression is that this housing bubble burst due to the complicated and risky behavior of financial institutions. Another factor discussed by Attack and Passall is net exports. This factor more than any other shows how interconnected the Depression was. The United States had been the world’s leading industrial exporter, but after the war, the European market drastically declined. One way of addressing this problem would be for the United States to import more from Europe, but this was unrealistic because of the simple fact that the there were no European products that the United States wanted. After all, the United States was the leading industrial producer of the time, so there was no incentive for Americans to import from Europe. As mentioned earlier, the United States’ role is currently reversed. The problem of net exports is now that the United States is in the position of Europe. The United States has not been an exporter nation for many years, but in order to get out of their debt, like Germany needed in the 1920s, is to receive capital through exports. The problem is still the same, but reversed, with China in the United States’ prior role. There are no products that the United States could export to China, which would help America pay back their current massive debt.

As mentioned earlier, the Great Depression was not solely provoked by the stock market crash of 1929. These other factors allowed the crash to be so devastating, but it did not end there. The government understood that there was a significant recession and that they needed to take some action to ease the economic downturn. Unfortunately, the model that was used was the recession of 1920, which was very short and not exceptionally damaging. The thought at the time was that the 1929 recession would be very similar and the same policies would relieve the situation. Like other explanations for the depression there are contending views. Usually this falls into two different camps: the government did too much, or the government did too little. Under President Hoover, there were indeed public works projects and other government spending to try and offset decline in private consumption. In addition the government cut taxes to help stimulate the economy. These measures may have alleviated the situation at first, but by cutting taxes while spending, the government loses revenue. This led to a budget deficit of $2.7 billion in 1932. The solution to the deficit was to raise taxes, and to raise taxes in a time of recession ultimately makes the recession worse. According to this view, the failure of governmental policy exacerbated what might have been a less sever recession.

Since the current crisis is still uncertain, it is practically impossible to fully compare the eventual recovery of the Great Depression with today, especially since this is indeed only a comparison and not a suggestion that we are heading toward another Great Depression. However, the attempts that are being taken today to solve our economic problems certainly resemble the measures that were taken during the 1930s. The Obama stimulus plan, which is inevitably political, has taken measures to funnel money into education, environmental and energy issues, public works, and other spending that parallels the New Deal. Some of the New Deal spending is what created much of the infrastructure that we have today. The biggest lesson to learn from this is that the United States needs to maintain its infrastructure and continue to make innovations in areas such as transportation, construction, and energy sources.

Economics ultimately ends up being political. The current economic crisis is very much at the whim of how the United States responds. It is a global affair, but the United States has such a significant economy, but has also been slower to respond to the dilemma. This has been in large part due to a deep ideology and a trepidation about anything that might be considered “socialist.” The biggest lesson we can learn from the Great Depression is that we need to cut these deep rooted ideological ties and act in a pragmatic way to solve the current situation. Every economic crisis is different, and thus the responses should be made by understanding the situation and developing policies that are suitable to the problem. What worked for the Great Depression, most likely will not work today. In fact, what is considered the biggest factor that led the world out of the Depression was the military industry and World War II. Today, the United States spends more money than any other nation on the military. In fact out of every tax dollar, 37 cents is used for the military. Therefore, this crisis needs to be treated carefully and new ideas need to be allowed into political economic thought. History does not repeat itself, but what we can learn from the past is that every action we have today will drastically affect the future in ways we need to take very seriously. We can either look at the Great Depression as a looming potential reality for the future, or use it to learn the complexities of not only the economy, but also of human and political actions.

Why Blog?

I decided to start this blog for several reasons:

1) I want to keep up on writing while I'm out of classes, and this gives me a great outlet.
2) I feel as though I have an interesting outlook on history, politics, economics, and culture, that I would like to share with others and hear other opinions outside of my own.
3) This is a much better use of the internet than looking at videos of people playing with feces, or following other nauseating aspects of our culture.

So, with that in mind I hope I can attract some readers, and that I can offer an interesting perspective on life, or at least what our collective consciousness calls reality. I also hope to hear opinions and feedback on my writing and ideas. To those who will read, enjoy!
